The Planning Commission is made up of 13 members all elected from Fiscal Court and the eight cities within Bullitt County, consisting of, Hillview, Mt. Washington, Hebron Estates, Lebanon Junction, Pioneer Village, Fox Chase, Hunters Hollow, and Shepherdsville. The goal of the Planning Commission is to make intuitive decisions, with public advice, about the current and future development of Bullitt County in accordance to the Comprehensive Plan.
The Planning Commission hears cases regarding Zoning Map Amendments and makes recommendations to the final voting authority.
John Miller, Chairman Fiscal Court
Russel Price, Secretary Fiscal Court
Tony Thompson, Vice Chairman Pioneer Village
Carl Payne, Hillview
Mark Krauss, Fox Chase
Steve Small, Mt. Washington
Marsha Brown, Hunters Hollow
Paul Kulmer, Hebron Estates
Jeremy Kubac, Shepherdsville
A Zoning Map Amendment is a request to change the official Zoning Classification on a particular property. Zoning Classification directly affects the type and intensify of use allowed on the property.
Lynn Eddington, Fiscal Court
Cully Harlow, Fiscal Court
Mike Rippy, Lebanon Junction
Evan Wright, Fiscal Court
Regularly Scheduled Planning Commission Meetings are held the second Thursday of the Month at 7 PM.
Bullitt County Courthouse
300 S Buckman Street
Shepherdsville, K 40165
All citizens wishing to speak on a case are requested to sign in prior to the meeting to ensure time is distributed evenly.
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